Monday 23 April 2012

Catch up Time

I thought it was about time I caught up, as I am about 3 or 4 blogs behind at present, so decided to get myself back on track in combining the last few shoots into one.

A few weeks ago I did my first shoot with Alice, which was done on location at one of my favorite locations. In all the time I have used this location I have never encountered any people but this time we encountered a man who once he saw what we were doing just didn't want to go away. It was a good job Alice was an exhibitionist as this man wanted to stay, watch and talk for about an hour. So we just had to continue and give him a story which I am sure he has fully told at his local pub on more than one occasion:-)

Anyway here is one of the images from the shoot with Alice.

I have also done another shoot with Cat who stepped in at the very last minute, when I model I had booked had to postpone our shoot for a very good reason. This shoot was done in the studio and I think this is my favorite image from the shoot.

I will get back to my normal longer blog's for my next shoot within the next few days.

Monday 9 April 2012

Photoshoot with Perilune - 26th March 2012

I can’t believe it’s been nearly a month since I last put up a blog and did a shoot, but looking back my last shoot was back on the 10th March with Akaridesire.

With the normal pressures of life I am finding it difficult at the moment to schedule in the amount of shoots I would like to do, but let’s hope with spring just around the corner they will become more frequent.

Perilune and myself have been talking about a naughty bride style shoot for ages, which we wanted to do at an old derelict building and maybe also in woodland. Perilune had dug out her wedding outfit and I had the perfect location of an old building in the middle of some woodlands. So we arranged everything and in fact were lucky enough to have a nice day for the shoot which was surprising for the end of March.

We started off doing some images of Perilune in the woodland area beside the building, which was a constant battle with lighting as the sun kept coming out and then going behind the clouds, so I was constantly changing camera settings as I always shoot on manual as it gives me more flexibility as to if I want the background blurred or not depending on each individual scene I am shooting. I had decided for the first set just to get some nice bridal shots with a difference due to the location before moving onto the naughty bride shots.

Once we had completed this set we were going to do the naughty bride set in the building but I noticed the amazing shadows that the sun was creating on the outside wall of the building, so decided to use that wall to see what we could create. It’s funny I have used this location many times, but never seen the light work on that wall in this way before. So we moved to this location and I took some more bridal shots of Perilune capturing the shadow play on the wall, before moving on to the naughty bride set.

I was in Amsterdam back in early March and couldn’t believe my luck to find a beautiful glass dildo in a sale for 10 Euro’s, yes an amazing bargain which was perfect for our ideas of the naughty bridge. We started with Perilune leaning back on the wall and  I just asked her to act the naughty bride which she was surprising good at. Then I had her lay down in front of the wall and continued with the naughty bride them.

To finish the shoot we did some artistic nudes against the wall this time with Perilune wearing just an amazing set of nipple jewellery that I had always wanted to photograph her wearing since the day she bought them a few years ago.

All these shots were taken using an off camera strobe with umbrella balanced with the natural light, which is my standard set-up for location shoots.