It’s always a delight to shoot with the lovely Clover and I wish I could shoot with her much more often. It always amazes me that when I work with Clover that the shoot is so relaxed and the images just seem to happen. We might plan for a 4 hour shoot, but after 2 we have done everything we wanted to and also captured the moment so well. Still might take us 4 hours elapsed but that’s because we spend so long on tea breaks and chatting.
I have thought about why this happens and believe it is because we have become such good friends and after doing over 30 shoots together over the last 3 years, we just know each other so well and each other’s expectations and desired style of the final images.
The theme for the shoot we had planned was corporal punishment and while I intended to come up with some ideas for the shoot, I never found the time so other than an idea of Clover’s of her on the stairs we didn’t have any plans but just went with the flow and saw how the shoot would develop which is more often and how we now work together.
We started with the one idea we had which was Clover to look despondent and thoughtful on the stairs as if she had just been punished and tied up. We placed a rope around the stairs as if it had just been untied and discarded around Clover. I used one light coming from Clovers right and as the stair rails were in the way this gave a nice shadow on the opposite wall of the stairs and Clover. I am not a big lover of shadows behind the model in shots but in this case I think it adds to the tension. This image can be seen below.

We then moved into the studio and did a set with Clover in a white top and knickers with Clover handcuffed behind her back and a collar and large chain around her deck, before moving on to my favourite set from the shoot of Clover in Victorian bloomers and bonnet. I love Victorian bloomers and have managed to collect a few pairs over the years and find they really give an old appeal to the images. My particular favourite from this set is below of Clovers bum wearing the Bloomers, basically it has my two favourite things included a bare bum and bloomers.

For the last set of the day, we had a chain hanging from the ceiling and Clover hooked to it, while having a spreader bar between her feet. This set was all about getting tension into Clovers body to look like she was fighting against her predicament. When we finished this set I wanted to capture a simple picture of Clover naked still with the cuffs on her wrists and nipple clamps on looking like she had just completed her punishment and was exhausted at the same time as being in a good place.
I am very pleased with the results from this shoot as I always am after working with Clover, who is my favourite model to work with as well as a very good friend and we are now discussing our next shoot together so watch this space.